Complete Guide to Tools and Equipment in Palia
Palia is a cosy sandbox experience that features various beautiful biomes to explore and discover. Within the world of Palia, each player can take part in numerous activities. These activities are your Skills, where you have the ability to forage, hunt, mine, cook and more. To navigate many of these Skills, however, you require specific Tools in Palia and Equipment to get the job done! Tools in Palia are vital to progressing through certain aspects of gameplay, allowing you to gather resources, level up Skills, capture bugs or hunt animals & more! Currently there is 7 major tools at our disposal.
What Tools can we use in Palia?
You have 7 main Tools in Palia available to you that covers the many available Skills in the game. This equipment is given to you at the start of the game for free by each of the corresponding NPCs (also known as Friendly Faces) in a tutorial format. The tier of Tool you start with is a Makeshift Tool. Progressing through each Skill, using the Tools needed to get the job done, you can unlock higher tier Tools. These higher tier Tools in Palia require maintenance to ensure they do not break, but allow you to harvest higher quality resources. If your Tool breaks, it reverts to the Tier below the current Tier of the Tool. Below we’ll explain all the Tools available and how to use them. This also includes which NPC you need to go to for Upgrades! Remember, to access all of your Tools, hold the “R” key to bring up the Tool Wheel!
Complete Guide to Tools and Equipment in Palia
Fancy yourself to be quite the Lumberjack? In that case, you’ll be needing your trusty Axe! The Axe is a Tool that is required to cut down the many tree types available in Palia. Ashura is the leader and main NPC of the Foraging Guild. Foraging is the Skill that requires the efforts of your Axe. This also includes Upgrading the Axe. Look no further than this Tool for all of your wood-requiring needs! Check out our full in-depth look at the Axe here.

Does life in the mines appeal to you? Are you an enjoyer of fine stones and gems? Look no further, Palia has you covered! No miner is complete without their faithful Pickaxe, one of the many Tools in Palia, to smash the rocks in-front of them! The Pickaxe is one of the Tools in Palia, used to break stones and ores of various types. Hodari is the leader and main NPC of the Mining Guild. Mining is the Skill that requires the efforts of your Pickaxe to progress. This also includes Upgrading the Pickaxe. Check out our full in-depth look at the Pickaxe here.

Fishing Rod
Does a peaceful time by the water sound pleasing? Do you have the patience and appreciation for catching fish? Look no further, Palia has you covered! Every true fisherman or woman hones their Skill with the Fishing Rod, one of the many Tools in Palia, to catch fish in the water – hook line and sinker! The Fishing Rod is a Tool that is required to catch fish out in the waters of Palia. Einar is the leader and main NPC of the Fishing Guild. Fishing is the Skill that requires the efforts of your Fishing Rod to progress. This also includes Upgrading the Fishing Rod. Check out our full in-depth look at the Fishing Rod here.

Do you enjoy the thrill of the hunt? Perhaps you like to gather meat for delicious campfire meals! Whichever you prefer, look no further, Palia has you covered! No hunter leaves their home without their weapon of choice – the Bow! The Bow is one of the Tools in Palia, used to hunt wildlife throughout the land. Hassian is the leader and main NPC of the Hunting Guild. Hunting is the Skill that requires the efforts of your Bow to progress. This also includes Upgrading the Fishing Rod. Check out our full in-depth look at the Bow here.

Belt & Smoke Bombs
Does the idea of catching and researching various bugs intrigue you? Palia has got your back on this one! Every budding adventurer will require their Belt – loaded with Smoke Bombs to capture their intended critter. The Belt & Smoke Bombs is one of the Tools in Palia, used to capture bug life in the world. Auni is the leader and main NPC of the Bug Catching Guild. Bug Catching is the Skill that requires the use of your Belt & Smoke Bombs to progress. This also includes Upgrading the Belt. Check out our full in-depth look at the Belt & Smoke Bombs here.

Watering Can
Have you ever felt like a life of peace is the life for you? Have you ever felt at one with nature? Palia has all of this covered for you! Every player that tends to their crops needs a Watering Can! The Watering Can is one of the Tools in Palia, used to douse crops in water. Badruu is the leader and main NPC of the Gardening Guild. Gardening is the Skill that requires the use of your Watering Can and Hoe to progress. This also includes Upgrading the Watering Can. Check out our full in-depth look at the Watering Can here.

The Hoe is essential to every aspiring Gardener in Palia. Alongside your trusty Watering Can, your crops can be assured you’ll take good care of them! The Hoe is one of the Tools in Palia, used to prepare your plot to plant seeds! Badruu is the leader and main NPC of the Gardening Guild. Gardening is the Skill that requires the use of your Hoe and Watering Can to progress. This also includes Upgrading the Hoe. Check out our full in-depth look at the Hoe here.

How to repair Tools in Palia
Repairing your Tools in Palia is easy! You can use a couple of common methods:
- Craft Repair Kits at your Worktable, and use them at the Blacksmith’s Anvil in Kilima Village
- Pay with Gold at the Backsmith’s Anvil in Kilima Village
To keep things simple, you can also check a box that allows you to repair all of your Tools at once!
And that concludes our Complete Guide to Tools and Equipment in Palia! To show off your prowess and talk Palia & more, join our Community Discord! We look forward to seeing you there.