Welcome to The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria’s Mithril Forge Guide, dwarves. Finding the location of the Great Mithril Forge, traversing Moria’s depths, and activating it step-by-step are all made easier with the help of this tutorial. Discover the mysteries of this fabled dwarven forge and discover Middle-earth’s undiscovered gems by coming along on this exciting journey with us. You are currently on your way!

Mithril Forge Location
Located in a location called Baranzinbar, which is very important to the Dwarven kingdom’s past, the Mithril Forge is tucked away in the center of Moria. Moria’s major mountain, Barazinbar, was the site of the unlucky Balrog’s awakening in addition to being the main supplier of its valuable Mithril reserves. It’s difficult to navigate this terrain without frequently having to climb and descend cliffs to go from one side to the other. Traveling farther into Baranzibar’s rocky interior will ultimately bring you to The Mithril Lode, where a massive statue that has been broken into pieces is waiting for you to discover.

How to Access the Mithril Forge
You must pass by a huge monument outside the Great Mithril Forge’s entrance on the Mithril Lode to enter the Forge. Be careful, as this monument is close to the orc encampment. After you locate this statue, you have to use twenty stones to rebuild it. You should make sure you have enough supplies with you because you’ll need them when you enter the Great Mithril Forge. After the monument has been properly restored, you must stand in front of it and recite a holy chant to open the Mithril Forge’s hallowed doors.

Once you’ve completed singing in front of the monument, you can proceed into the Great Mithril Forge, but the challenges are far from over. Similar to the forges you may have encountered before, you’ll soon realize that the forge is nonfunctional, as certain components need replacement to make it usable for players. Several essential items are needed to harness the full power of the Great Mithril Forge.

Acquiring Replacement Parts
Players have to go out on a mission to locate the required parts to activate the Great Mithril Forge. These parts, which are concealed within the space, are a Replacement Pipe, Replacement Gear, and Replacement Crank. As you gather these objects, you’ll be tested in your ability to be inventive and solve problems, ultimately unleashing the Great Mithril Forge’s potential.
Replacement Pipe
Getting hold of the replacement pipes for the Great Mithril Forge is a task, but putting them back together in the right place can be tricky. As soon as you step inside the doors of the Great Mithril Forge, you’ll spot the replacement pipe on your side. It is placed in front of a statue in that room.

Once you have the replacement pipe, make your way towards the forge and go up the stairs on your right. However, you’ll soon notice that these stairs are broken, so to position the pipe correctly, you’ll need to either create a platform or ask someone for help. Here’s what you need to do: when you reach that level, switch to throwing mode by pressing “R” on your keyboard. It will allow you to throw the replacement pipe up to that level. Quickly jump after it, making sure to catch it before it falls again, and then proceed to place it where it needs to go for those repairs.

Replacement Crank
Locating the Forge’s Crank is a straightforward task, and you’ll discover it resting on the ground immediately beside the furnace. This particular piece is an integral part of the mechanism, essential for restoring the forge’s functionality. Simply approach it, pick it up, and proceed to position it onto the handle of the device to initiate the repair process for the initial component. Your journey to rejuvenate the Great Mithril Forge begins with these simple yet crucial steps.

Replacement Gear
It could be a little difficult to find the replacement gear for the Great Mithril Forge because it is not easily apparent in the chamber. The replacement gear is stowed away in this obscure location, next to the stairs on the left and behind the forge. Your perseverance and astute observation will be your friends in your endeavor to bring the forge back to working order.

Similar to the replacement pipe, putting the gear in its proper place atop the Mithril Forge requires some effort. To accomplish this, head towards the left stairs and ascend them. These stairs are also damaged, so you’ll either need to construct a platform or seek assistance from a friend to reach the upper level. Here’s how to do it: once you reach the upper level, activate the throwing mode by pressing the R key. It enables you to toss the replacement gear to a higher level. Quickly jump after it to ensure you retrieve it before it descends, and then proceed to position it in the designated location for the necessary repairs.

Activated Great Mithril Forge
After successfully gathering all the components and activating the Great Mithril Forge, brace yourself for an impending battle, as a swarm of hordes will soon converge upon your location. Make sure that you are adequately equipped and ready for combat. It’s important to point out that the smaller goblins are notably less formidable than what you might typically encounter, so it’s a wise tactic to identify a strategic chokepoint to defend, allowing you to manage the situation.

The ability to obtain more sophisticated tools, armor, and weapons as well as other related materials that need Mithril ores is another significant benefit you will receive upon successfully activating the forge. Your ability to craft useful things such as the Shieldwall and the Shaz’akhnaman will increase with your newly acquired materials.

The Mithril Forge in Return to Moria is an indispensable resource for players embarking on their journey. It not only imparts insights into the region’s lore and geography but also furnishes detailed instructions for navigating the challenging terrain and reactivating the Great Mithril Forge, emphasizing teamwork and resourcefulness in the process. The guide also prepares players for encounters with adversaries and provides strategic guidance for effective defense. If you found this article helpful, let us know in our community’s discord. Check out our guide on how to activate the Great Belegost Forge and the Great Furnace of Narvi. While at it be sure to visit our LOTR Return To Moria on our homepage for more guides.