Where to Find Nails in Enshrouded

Discover Where to Find Nails

In the domain of Enshrouded, where the foundation of survival hinges on adeptness in acquiring resources, nails stand out as a crucial element in crafting. Within this extensive manual, we shall delve into various methodologies for obtaining nails in Enshrouded, ensuring that you acquire the necessary expertise to thrive in this challenging environment.

Discover Where to Find Nails

Finding the Blacksmith in Enshrouded

When embarking on your quest to obtain/craft nails, your first destination should be the Blacksmith, a pivotal figure within the world of Enshrouded. Follow the main questline until you encounter the “Find the Sleeping Survivor” quest, which leads you to the Blacksmith’s location. Upon freeing him from his captivity chamber, he becomes an invaluable addition to your party. Utilize the Summoning Staff to transport the Blacksmith to your home base seamlessly.

Finding the Blacksmith

Crafting Nails

Once the Blacksmith is at your home base, interact with him to access the Resources section. Here, you’ll find nails available for crafting, with 2 nails requiring 1 Metal Scrap.

Crafting Nails

Obtaining Metal Scraps

Metal scraps constitute the fundamental material used in crafting nails within Enshrouded. There exist multiple techniques for acquiring or farming metal scraps, guaranteeing a consistent reservoir to fulfill your crafting requisites.

Looting Scavengers

Vanquished adversaries like Scavengers frequently yield Metal Scraps, serving as a dependable reservoir of this vital material. Stay alert during engagements and conduct comprehensive looting to optimize your collection of Metal Scraps.

Obtaining Metal Scraps

Exploring Abandoned Settlements

Abandoned towns and villages scattered throughout the map are treasure troves for Metal Scraps. Search these areas diligently, as Metal Scraps can be found on the ground or within destructible objects.

Exploring Abandoned Settlements

Destroying Metal Objects

Metal objects and furniture can yield Metal Scraps when destroyed. Outfit yourself with a robust melee weapon or pickaxe to expedite the process, facilitating efficient resource gathering.

Destroying Metal Objects

The Significance of Nails

In the world of Enshrouded, the role of nails is crucial, facilitating the crafting of sophisticated items like storage chests. These repositories prove indispensable for broadening your inventory capacity, ensuring thorough preparation for your exploits in Enshrouded. Given the constraints of backpack space, a Storage Chest becomes a transformative asset, offering generous accommodation for stashing vital/important materials and provisions. Regularly arrange your Storage Chest to enhance efficiency and readiness for forthcoming undertakings.

The Significance of Nails

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How many nails can be crafted with each Metal Scrap?
With each Metal Scrap, 2 nails can be crafted by interacting with the Blacksmith.

Are there any alternative methods for obtaining Metal Scraps?
While looting enemies and exploring abandoned settlements are the primary methods, some rare quests or events may also reward Metal Scraps.

Is the Blacksmith essential for progressing in Enshrouded?
The Blacksmith plays a pivotal role within the adventure, providing indispensable smithing expertise that renders him an exceedingly advantageous ally.

Can Storage Chests be upgraded?
Yes, Storage Chests have the potential to evolve into Magic Chests, enabling the utilization of stored items for crafting within the vicinity, thereby eliminating the necessity of carrying-around numerous materials in your backpack. However, it’s important to note that you cannot directly upgrade a smaller chest to a larger one; instead, crafting a new, larger chest is required, entailing a greater quantity of nails.

Are there any risks associated with exploring abandoned settlements?
Exploring deserted settlements requires caution due to potential perils such as traps or hostile creatures/enemies nearby.

Navigating through the domain of Enshrouded may initially appear daunting, but armed with profound comprehension and indispensable provisions, you will effortlessly conquer every impediment that confronts your journey. Through mastering/honing the art of acquiring and deploying fasteners with exactitude, one can enhance their artistry and fortify their endurance within this challenging realm.

Thank you for exploring our guide in Enshrouded! If you found this helpful, you may also be interested in our guide titled “Where to Find Critter Parts in Enshrouded“. For more information, news, updates, and guides, don’t forget to join our Official Discord Server! Visit our Enshrouded Homepage for more. Happy crafting and surviving, Flameborn!


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