Step-by-Step Custom Effigy Guide

Sons of the forest

Sons of the Forest is a game that allows players to show off their creative talents like creating a Custom Effigy. In these past few months, players have done so in creating imaginative bases that have very detailed elements that would make you feel jealous! But other than base creation, you can also show off your creative talents in some other aspects of the game.

Creating custom effigies is one of the unique ways of showing off your ideas to the Sons of the Forest Community. Players in the community have already started playing around and finding different ways to spice up their bases with these effigies as soon as they became available to the public, and in this article, you’ll find out how easy it is to build a custom effigy yourself!

How to Create a Custom Effigy in Sons of the Forest

Building your own custom effigy isn’t that difficult in Sons of the Forest. You just need some branches and body parts. Branches can be found all over the forest, while farming body parts can be abit trickier especially for new players. You just need to find some cannibals, and kill them. Then use your handy dandy Tactical Axe or any other sharp weapons to slice them up (note that only arms, legs and the head can be used in creating effigies).

To build a custom effigy you need to place one or more wooden sticks in the ground, which you can easily find all throughout the forest.

Step 1

Then grab some sliced up body parts from your inventory and start placing them on a stick or on the body parts.

Step 2

As you will see, the effigy will allow for a lot of different positions and you can create all kinds of weird-looking structures using flesh and wood for materials. Your only limit is your imagination.

You can go wild with creating or experimenting with custom effigies. But remember, you’ll need plenty of wooden sticks and a lot of body parts in one place and then you can click away to get a grip on what the limitations are with creating custom effigies! It’s quite easy to remove the effigy and start again if you decide you’re bored of your effigy.

Lastly, don’t forget to share it with the Sons of the Forest Community on our Discord and hear what they all have to say about it.

Make sure to keep coming back here to see constant updates and use our Interactive Map. We can’t wait for you to share your creations with us on our Official Community Discord! To find more Sons of the Forest information such as our guides, click here.

Custom Effigy




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