In Sons of the Forest, where every tool becomes a lifeline, survival is vital. One of these primary tools that is very helpful for both building and defense is the shovel. Locating the shovel becomes an important task. But specifically, where can one get this useful tool? We searched for the shovel’s hidden position in Sons of the Forest and came up with strategies and recommendations to assist gamers survive.
What is a Shovel?
You may remove tiny portions of dirt in Sons of the Forest by using the shovel. It is necessary to enter Maintenance Bunker A, which is equipped with a shotgun, maintenance key card, laser sight, tuxedo, firefighter axe, and 3D printer. Just as in the first game, when you poke a stick in the earth, you can find little stones and money when you dig. Using the shovel also corresponds with two accomplishments.

Shovel Cave Location
To begin the journey of acquiring the Shovel, one must first ascertain its location. Below is a map of the entrance to the Shovel Cave. Positioned near the ice cave, it can be spotted nestled at the left-center point of the map.

Considering that this will be an exhausting journey, we strongly advise tagging along with your pals. Additionally, keep in mind that you must battle the many animals in this cave to progress and find the Shovel.
Entrance To The Shovel Cave
Once you’ve found the Shovel cave, proceed with care within. There are a lot of things here for you to collect, so make sure you take your time doing it.

NOTE: A Rebreather and Rope Gun are two essential items that you must obtain in order to make it through the cave and get the shovel. Rope Gun: This device makes it easier to safely navigate steep shafts and cliffs; it assures that you may explore underwater channels without worrying about running out of air. You’ll be well-equipped to explore the cave’s interior and solve its secrets if you have both of these equipment.
Important Items
Similar to other caves within Sons of the Forest, this one harbors not only the Shovel but also conceals a plethora of secrets and valuable items that will prove instrumental in your forthcoming endeavors.
Upon entering the Shovel cave, three dead bodies are suspended on sticks, with the ‘Slingshot’ weapon, a valuable rock-based weapon. To learn more about this weapon, click here!

Once inside the cave, proceed along the designated path until you reach the edge, where you’ll observe an opportunity to utilize the previously acquired rope gun. Employ it to swiftly zip across to the opposite side, advancing your journey deeper into the cave.

Once you’re deep into the cave, take your time to search the area and there you will find an extra tank for your rebreather which you will need to use because the next area requires you to go underwater.

Wetsuit Outfit
After traversing through the water, exercise caution as this area is inhabited by mutants. Kill them to ensure safe passage deeper into the cave. Once the area is secured, thoroughly search the surroundings, where you’ll discover a Wetsuit Outfit that will aid you in your underwater exploration.

Once you’ve acquired the wetsuit, proceed to follow the path. There, you will need to go down the waterslide, follow a long path, and kill a bunch of mutants on your way.

Flashlight Attachment
Once you’re in a large area where many mutants are chasing you, your task is to eliminate them all to secure the Flashlight attachment. To equip it onto your weapon and improve visibility in dimly lit surroundings, ensure you have a pistol or shotgun rail available for attachment.
Please note, to use the Flashlight attachment you need the pistol and the shotgun rails.

Important Laptop
Within the same area where you obtained the flashlight attachment, you’ll also discover a pivotal laptop. This device holds the key to unlocking the location of Maintenance Bunker A.

Shovel Room
After navigating the terrifying cave swarming with mutants, you’re on the brink of obtaining the Shovel. Utilize the rebreather once more to traverse the area, and upon completion, prepare to face yet another group of mutants. Once you’ve killed them, your perseverance will be rewarded with the special prize of this room: the Shovel, positioned at the edge, awaiting your grasp.

Exit To The Shovel Cave
After grabbing the shovel, you’ll need to backtrack to the waterslide to locate the exit. On your way back, keep an eye out for a collapsing wall that reveals both the exit and a massive mutant. Deal with this creature using the explosives found in nearby boxes. Once the mutant is taken care of, proceed along the path it was guarding and descend to exit the area. Remember, once you drop down, there’s no going back, so make sure you’ve gathered everything you need from the cave beforehand.

Where to Find the Shovel in Sons of the Forest Guide
You may discover the Shovel with the help of this comprehensive video instruction, which includes step-by-step guidance and precise information regarding its position!
Discovering the Shovel in Sons of the Forest marks a significant turning point, unveiling new avenues for exploration. Nestled within the depths of the Shovel Cave, embarking on this journey is essential. Once obtained, the Shovel becomes a gateway to a realm of hidden treasures and resources beneath the surface, profoundly enhancing your gameplay experience in Sons of the Forest.

Check out our Interactive Map to learn more about the fantastic locales of Sons of the Forest. We eagerly await your sharing of your works on our official community discord channel! Finally, a compilation of the most recent game instructions and news may be found on our Sons Of The Forest Homepage. When you have time, you are welcome to look!