If you’ve spent some time looking around the massive cave systems Sons of the Forest has to offer you will probably have wondered if its time to upgrade your light source from the arc lighter to something more substantial, This guide will show you the flashlight location so you can up your game to the next level. Warning spoilers ahead:

Flashlight Stats
The flashlight is a battery operated light source, powered by lootable batteries it runs about 15 minutes on a single battery. You can combine it in your inventory crafting table to recharge it. It uses the same “Slot” as the lighter and thus can be dual wielded with most weapons and tools in the game. You can’t have the map and your light source out at the same time how ever.
The indicator bar on the flashlight will update in real time so you can see how much battery power is left, if it gets close to depleted the flashlight will start to shimmer and the effectiveness of the light beam will go down significantly giving a visual clue to the user they need to put new batteries in.

Flashlight location
The flashlight is part of the main story quest marked by a pink GPS locator, the gps locator will lead you to the flashlight location. there will be a dead male human hanging of the side of a cliff suspended with a rope. You can cut him down by hitting the rope at the top of the cliff with an axe or any other melee weapons.
He will then drop down and become lootable, giving the player a few random goodies the flashlight and a GPS Locator.

If your in the area searching for the flashlight make sure to check the abandoned campsite right below the cliff to get the Modern axe if you havent already picked it up.
If you liked this flashlight location guide and need help finding more of the awesome special items within Sons of the Forest, make sure to check out our Interactive Map. We can’t wait for you to share your creations with us on our Official Community Discord! Lastly, our Sons Of The Forest Homepage is a list of latest news and guides of the game. You can have a look when you are free!