Stone ArrowStone Arrow Most basic ammo type for bows. Primitive but easy to craft early game. …2023/04/01Ammo2023-04-01 12:35:20
Printed ArrowPrinted Arrow 3D Printed Arrows appear to fly better than normal arrows. 50 resin will …2023/04/01Ammo2023-04-01 12:35:11
Stun Gun AmmoStun Gun Ammo This ammo is used for Stun Gun to stun enemies for 8 …2023/04/01Ammo2023-04-01 12:35:01
Small RocksSmall Rocks They are used for the Slingshot to shoot rocks to distract enemies or …2023/04/01Ammo2023-04-01 12:34:57
Slug AmmoSlug Ammo This ammo type for the shotgun is weaker but has a longer range …2023/04/01Ammo2023-04-01 12:34:52
Rifle RoundRifle Round Unknown Equipable: No Throwable: No Upgradable: No CRAFTING RECIPE2023/04/01Ammo2023-04-01 12:34:48
9mm Ammo9mm Ammo 9mm Ammo is used for Pistol and Revolver weapons. It is considerable as …2023/04/01Ammo2023-04-01 12:34:43
Golf BallGolf Ball You can play golf with this ball yourself or with your friend anywhere …2023/04/01Ammo2023-04-01 12:34:39
Crossbow BoltCrossbow Bolt Crossbow is a very good weapon, and this bolt is the only way …2023/04/01Ammo2023-04-01 12:34:34
Carbon Fiber ArrowCarbon Fiber Arrow It is a stronger arrow type than the stone arrows. More accurate, …2023/04/01Ammo2023-04-01 12:34:29
Buckshot AmmoBuckshot Ammo This ammo type for the shotgun is stronger but has less range than …2023/04/01Ammo2023-04-01 12:33:51