Health Mix+Health Mix+ Health Mix+ is an upgraded consumable version of Health Mix that is crafted …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:37:17
Healh MixHealh Mix Health Mix is a craftable consumable made from combining Aloe Vera and Yarrow. …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:37:07
Energy Mix+Energy Mix+ Energy Mix+ is an upgraded Consumables version of Energy Mix that is crafted …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:36:59
Energy MixEnergy Mix Energy Mix is a crafted Consumables made from combining Chicory and Arrowleaf. It …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:36:48
YarrowYarrow The Yarrow Flower is a valuable ingredient used in creating Health Mix, which is …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:36:40
Turtle EggsTurtle Eggs Only the turtles on the beach lay eggs that you can collect and …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:36:33
OysterOyster They are found at the beaches, which are small shell animals. You crack it …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:36:02
Bacon BiteBacon Bite It looks like a piece of meat, in the shape of a Turkish …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:35:58
Brain BiteBrain Bite It looks like a piece of meat, in the shape of a Turkish …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:35:54
Steak BiteSteak Bite It looks like a piece of meat, in the shape of a Turkish …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:35:49
SnowberriesSnowberries There are only a few snowberries on the map, they are white-colored berries, which …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:35:45
TwinberriesTwinberries Twinberries are found very hard and they are poisonous. It is not worth consumable …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:35:40
Energy BarEnergy Bar Energy Bars refill a good amount of bonus energy and a bit of …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:35:36
MedsMeds Heals current health to full health over a small period of time. The healing …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:35:05
Energy DrinkEnergy Drink Energy Drinks Refill the thirst and give temporary bonus energy. Spoils: No Effects: …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:35:00
Shiitake MushroomShiitake Mushroom Shiitake Mushrooms are short, squat, edible mushroom that is dark brown in color …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:34:56
FishFish Fish can be cooked on a fire, or set to hang on a drying …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:34:51
Fly AmanitaFly Amanita It is a red cap mushroom, which is poisonous. It is found almost …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:34:20
Hydnum RepandumHydnum Repandum Hydnum Repandum is again a mushroom, nothing special about it. Refills a small …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:34:15
SalmonberriesSalmonberries Salmonberries appear predominantly across the north side of the island but can be found …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:34:11
Ramen NoodlesRamen Noodles Ramen Noodles are one of the non-perishable foods that you can find. However, …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:34:07
MeatMeat You can hunt rabbits, squirrels, turtles, deer, and moose. Rabbits, squirrels, and turtles drop …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:33:36
MRE MealMRE Meal It is a food package that can be found through various areas, it …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:33:32
LegLeg Can be eaten to replenish your hunger by cooking it. You have to chop …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:33:28
King OysterKing Oyster King Oyster is a simple mushroom that is very rarely found on the …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:33:24
FireweedFireweed Fireweed is a consumable plant that refills a small amount of Hunger and Thirst …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:33:19
HorsetailHorsetail Horsetail is a consumable plant that refills a small amount of Hunger and Thirst. …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:33:09
Guarana BerriesGuarana Berries Guarana Berries can be found at the south of the map mostly, it …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:33:02
Devil’s ClubDevil’s Club It is a poisonous plant. It can be eaten or harvested, but eating …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:32:58
BlackberriesBlackberries Blackberries are mostly found on the middle-east side of the map, it is just …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:32:51
BlueberriesBlueberries Blueberries are the most reliable on-the-go food due to being the most common berry …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:32:47
Crunchie WunchiesCrunchie Wunchies It is found in many locations around the island. It is a basic …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:32:42
ChicoryChicory Chicorys are a consumable plant that refills a small amount of Hunger and Health …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:32:12
Cat FoodCat Food It is a brownish-reddish color of salami, and when you consume it, it …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:32:02
ArrowleafArrowleaf Arrowleaves are a consumable plant that refills a small amount of Hunger and Thirst …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:31:58
ArmArm Can be eaten to replenish your hunger by cooking it. You have to chop …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:31:52
Aloe VeraAloe Vera It can be used to craft a Health Mix and Health Mix+. It …2023/04/01Consumables2023-04-01 13:31:47