Throne and Liberty Producers Letter 2: Bosses and their Hideouts!

In the previous Throne and Liberty Producers Letter. Ahn Jeong-ok took note of the feedback from beta testers expressing dissatisfaction with features like Auto-Play. Static Combat. and a perceived lack of excitement in combat progression. In response. the decision was made to eliminate Auto-Play. introduce dynamic combat choices.

Throne and Liberty Producers Letter 2 – Bosses and their Hideouts!

“Hello. This is Jong-ok Ahn, producer of Throne and Liberty. The weather has become much cooler. Walking down the streets of Pangyo late at night makes me cringe. I can clearly feel that the seasons are changing once again. Are you all doing well?

Today, as I mentioned in my last letter, I would like to introduce you to some content that was not fully released in beta testing. Now that you have become a new rebel, what adventures await you?

A more powerful enemy

Malacca, the eye that watches over death. Odin, the supreme god of Norse mythology, sacrifices one of his eyes to drink from the spring of knowledge beneath the world tree, Yggdrasil. There is also a character in Throne and Liberty who devoted his eyes to gaining endless knowledge.

Throne and Liberty Producers Letter 2

Junovoth, one of the minions of Sylabeth, the god of destruction, willingly gives one eye to the Archdemon to gain forbidden knowledge. And that eye is transformed into a monster under the power of the Great Evil and watches the deaths of adventurers in the magical wasteland.

The eye that watches death, Malaka, is a being that crosses dimensions and is often seen as this. Summons your clone in space. She can explode her clones, damage them, or receive energy from them. If the clone does not block the energy beam fired at Malacca, the player will not be able to handle Malaka’s power, so the only way to do so is to hit the player instead. However, be careful as it can be dangerous if the energy beam is hit for too long.

Archboss Tevent 

Do you remember Queen Blendy that was introduced in the beta test? This monster. which can only be defeated by players on a server level working together, left a strong impression on many testers.

Throne and Liberty Producers Letter 2

Another Archboss is waiting for you in Throne and Liberty. The name is Tevent. A court wizard, who fell into a spell, was resurrected as a huge skeleton by some kind of power. The physical attacks from his gigantic body are powerful, but as a wizard, he overwhelms players with black magic and powerful curses.

As Archboss is the world’s strongest creature, Tevent cannot be defeated with simple methods. The curses Tevent uses react to water. Tevent’s abode is surrounded by a circular moat, and Tevent’s curse must be purified with the clear water flowing through the moat. On rainy days, the water level of the moat rises, making access easier. However, you must be careful because curses can contaminate the water.

A wider world

There are many untold stories hidden in the vast continent of Throne and Liberty. We will introduce you to the region we will pass through in the future and the stories contained within it.

Canyon of the Orcs, Ponos Basin

Throne and Liberty Producers Letter 2

The Ponos Basin is a canyon where there is an altar to the Ponos Orcs, the fiercest fighters in the history of the Solysium continent. The Raslan Guard is always in a tense standoff to keep an eye on them, who may go on a rampage at any moment. There is already a strong scent of battle in the air, right?

Since this is a place where orcs reside, you should give up any thoughts of returning safely. I hope you survive the double axes and firestorms flying from here and there. Good luck!

Throne and Liberty Producers Letter 2

In Phonos, you will experience the power of transcendence that calls for an eclipse. What will happen in the Orc barracks when darkness subsides?

Throne and Liberty Producers Letter 2

From time to time, disturbing lights burn in the Ponos Basin. Check local events to see the festival engulfed in flames.

The Night of the Beast, Grayclaw Forest 

Throne and Liberty Producers Letter 2

The Lycan Kowanzuki tribe, the original owners of the Gray Talon Forest, soon lost half of their territory due to human encroachment. Filled with anger, they are engaged in a fierce battle with the resistance again today.

The large bridge leading to the north of Gray Claw Forest has been destroyed. The Kowanzuki tribe is reluctant to mention the destroyed bridge. You may discover the secrets hidden in Grayclaw Forest.

Throne and Liberty Producers Letter 2

The tribal chief of the Kowanzuki tribe is the strongest and bravest warrior. It is said that the thing he fears the most is human girls… Why?

Throne and Liberty Producers Letter 2

Lycans become more ferocious where the Moonstone is located. , we must work together to find the Moonlight Stone.

Forbidden Zone, Lizard Island 

Throne and Liberty Producers Letter 2

Lizard Island is a volcanic island visible across the Stoneguard Sea. Although it is close to the continent, it cannot be approached carelessly. This is because it is the home of the Lizard tribe that moves freely across the sea and land. They are very warlike, so any ship that wants to sail through the sea must be prepared for shipwreck.

Even if you arrive at the island on the first attempt, the island’s environment will not be easy. What kind of adventure will you encounter among the wild Raptilians and the dream poison-shooting vegetation?

Throne and Liberty Producers Letter 2

There is no way to get to Lizard Island by ordinary means. The only way would be to fly… Is there a way to fly through this rough sea?

Party Instance Dungeon

The most important thing in Throne and Liberty’s growth has been diversity. We paid attention to the balance and combination of content so that players of any type can continue playing with a sense of challenge. Large-scale content such as Adventure/Exploration Codex prepared for those who prefer soloing, Tidal’s Tower, a personal stage-type dungeon, and Siege and Archboss for those who like to play with a large community have already been released. The first thing I would like to introduce today is a party instance dungeon optimized for 6-person party play.

Throne and Liberty Producers Letter 2

The significance of the party instance dungeon is to inherit the party play that was the planning intention of the field dungeon while providing a strong challenge with more limited conditions and several people. I like PC Blade, and we are pouring in our experience and know-how from creating Soul’s instance dungeons.

 Breakthrough section

The party instance dungeon is divided into a “breakthrough section” before meeting the boss and a “boss section” where the actual attack takes place.

We want the entire dungeon process to be interesting. So, rather than the dungeon breakthrough being spent on boss battles, I wanted to make the process enjoyable as well.

To this end, the dungeon design is very simple. Party Instance Dungeon aims for the fun of classic squad battles. The method is to move forward step by step through the cooperation of the party by aggro, mez, and kill-one shot, but the section is not set to be long. We are adjusting the density and difficulty of the dungeon so that the tension does not drop due to meaningless time-consuming patterns.

In addition, rather than simply solving problems through combat, we reflected the method of breaking through each dungeon by utilizing special gimmicks as if solving a puzzle. The difficulty level is simple enough not to interfere with play, but it will provide ingenious fun through world interaction.

Boss section 

Throne and Liberty - Boss section 

The boss section is the highlight of the party instance dungeon. You must overcome a controlled environment with only a total of 6 party members. Highly strategic formation is required as the situation is limited. We are looking forward to creating more variables through weapon combination, which is the main system of our game.

Unlike field bosses that can attack all nearby players, it will provide tension and fun from high difficulty levels. The Dungeon would be challenging and not feel repetitive since various strategies would be implemented and needed to complete the Dungeon. Let’s Team Up fellow Adventurer, I will be the backline, What role would you be playing?

Helliver, Bringer of the Abyss

Sileus, an evil spirit created by dark magic, has turned the ancient catacombs into his laboratory. The Abyss of Sileus.This place. teeming with immortal beings and demons, was as complex as a maze, and Sileus gave his power to his servant Helliver to act as his guide. Heliver became a guide across the abyss, but he was also a messenger who led all intruders to death.

Throne and Liberty Producers Letter 2

Helliver is an eerily persistent stalker who selects one of the groups attacking him and focuses on it. Helliver often uses area-of-damage spells that can instantly kill those he focuses on. At this time, unless other allies enter the damaged area and distribute the damage, the target cannot survive. If you fail to save your comrades from an instant death attack, you could be next.

Up to this point, we have summarized the world and adventures you will encounter after level 30. There are many things I could not introduce in full due to space limitations, but I will soon be able to show you the remaining adventures as a game.

In my last letter, I said that I was thinking about ways to share my opinions with you. Visit the Throne and Liberty bulletin board. If you leave any questions about the game and development, I would like to take the time to answer any questions you may have. Also included is the content of BM that everyone is curious about. Thank you as always for your interest.

Posted by Throne and Liberty producer Ahn Jong-ok.

Throne and Liberty Producers Letter 2

It sounds like Ahn Jong-ok’s Producers Letter 2 has provided some exciting insights into the upcoming content of the game. showcasing unique. challenging elements. The introduction of bosses with distinct designs not seen in other MMORPGs is a promising aspect.

Throne and Liberty - Boss section 

The emphasis on requiring strategic teamwork to defeat bosses indicates a focus on cooperative gameplay adding an extra layer of depth to the challenges players will face. Striking balance between difficulty levels for enemies is crucial to maintaining engagement. good to hear that the game aims to offer a challenging but not overly daunting experience.

The diverse regions and areas with unique mechanics, such as the flying requirement for Lizard Island, add variety to the exploration aspect of the game. The mention of hidden chests and quests scattered throughout the map adds an incentive for players to thoroughly explore the world. enhancing the overall gaming experience. The revelation of dungeon mechanics. with multiple sections. potential puzzles, showcases a departure from the conventional dungeon design.

Ahn Jong-ok’s mention of more to explore beyond the presented content creates anticipation for the game’s release. promising a continuously evolving world in Throne and Liberty. This suggests that the developers are committed to providing ongoing updates and new challenges. keeping players engaged in the long run.

If you wish to learn more about the content of the other producers’ letters. feel free to access the link provided.

Producer Letter 1

Producer Letter 3

Producer Letter 4

Producer Letter 5

For reference here is the Original letter: Producer Letter 2

To stay updated on future developments in Throne and Liberty. join our Discord community. visit our Website for valuable game guides. Let’s embark on this exciting new journey together!


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