Fishing in Throne and Liberty is more than just a relaxing pastime – it’s an important game system that helps you gather essential ingredients for cooking various foods and it can net you some rare rewards or even Solant during special events. Overall, it is important to engage with Fishing to compete or even just keep up with the more hardcore players in Throne and Liberty. This guide will take you through everything you need to know to become a master angler in the game.
Getting Started with Fishing
To begin, you’ll need a fishing rod, which can be bought from the Contract Coin Merchant or crafted using Nature’s Jade gathered throughout your adventures (mostly fishing or Mystic Portals). You will also need some bait, which can be purchased from Contract Coin Merchant as well – bait is limited to 50 per day, but unless you come from New World, you are unlikely to use it all up.

Once equipped, find a body of water and cast your float – this is where the “fun” starts.
The Fishing Process
In Throne and Liberty, fishing is a mini-game where you must balance the tension on the line while reeling in your catch. The fishing UI will present you with two bars – one represents Fish Stamina and the other represents your stamina. The goal is to reel the fish in and exhaust its stamina while carefully managing yours. This can bee achieved by closely watching the direction in which the fish is moving (left or right) and “pulling” the line in the opposite direction using A and D keys.

Timing is crucial – once the fish takes the bait, you will have a quick second to pull the line and set the hook! This is where one of the crucial tricks comes in: Your Block keybind (Q by default) is shared with your Hook keybind, so if you spam it – you will pull the line too early. But if you take off your Block skill while fishing, you can freely spam Q all the way unlit the fish bites – this way there is no risk of pulling the line too early!

What can you Catch
Different types of fish serve various purposes in Throne and Liberty.

Common fish can be used in a lot of cooking recipes, while rarer catches might be sold for a high price or used in crafting more powerful dishes.
There are two major types of fish: Saltwater fish is used in Defensive recipes and Freshwater fish is used in Attack Recipes.
Other than the typical fish – you also have a chance to catch fishing sacks that can contain special items (even Archboss weapon fragments) and sometimes Fishing Events will happen in Solisium with a chance to catch small, medium and large baggies containing Solant and other cool rewards.
Upgrading Your Fishing Gear
As you progress, you’ll want to upgrade your fishing rod to improve your chances of catching rarer fish. Your main upgrade path is to collect enough Nature’s Jade resources and upgrade your simple Bamboo Fishing Rod at the Sundries Crafter in any major town.

You can use some crafting materials together with 10 Nature’s Jade to upgrade into Steel Fishing Rod and then into Monster Bone Fishing Rod with another 30 Nature’s Jade. If you are lucky enough to get your hands on a Tevents Soul Fragment, you can craft the Tevent Fishing Rod with that and 100 Nature’s Jade right away.
Another option to acquire a good Fishing Rod (such as Platinum Fishing Rod) is from the Mystic Portals scattered all around the world, so don’t sleep on those! The Fishing Rod will passively increase your Fishing Level (from 1 to 3, depending don’t the rod), which will in turn make it easier to reel in your catch.

Fishing Showcase
If you want to see additional details and tips about Fishing in Throne and Liberty or would prefer a video walkthrough, please check our Fishing System explainer video below. It showcases everything you need to know about the fishing mini-game and leveling up your fishing with video examples included for every step of the process.
We hope you found this Throne and Liberty Fishing System guide useful.
To put whatever you caught to use, check out this Ultimate Cooking Guide and if you are still missing ingredients, learn how to use your Amitoi to farm for you!
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