Ultimate PVP Tier List - best class in Throne and Liberty

The Ultimate PVP Tier List – Best Classes in Throne and Liberty

In Throne and Liberty, there are no pre-defined “classes” but instead the player can create their own class by combining any two of the seven weapons currently available. The combination of the two weapons will determine your “class” and ultimately your role on the PvP battlefield. This article will showcase top weapon combinations across Tank, Healer, and DPS roles, offering a clear breakdown of how each one performs in the current PvP meta. Whether you’re gearing up for large-scale sieges or smaller skirmishes, this PvP Tier List will provide some useful insights and general weapon composition concepts to make sure you succeed in PvP.

Tank PVP Tier List: Disrupt, Protect and Survive

Tanks play a pivotal role in PvP, focusing on disruption, survivability, and team protection. Their ability to control the battlefield while staying alive is critical for any guild or PvP group. Here is a PvP Tier List of the best Tank weapon combinations.

Sword & Shield + Wand (S Tier)

In PvP, survivability is everything for a tank, and Sword & Shield paired with Wand excels in this role. This combination is built around staying alive while engaging enemies and disrupting their advance. The SNS provides strong defense through blocking, while the Wand adds self-healing, making this build almost impossible to kill. While it doesn’t deal too much damage, that’s not its role—its strength lies in outlasting opponents, keeping allies protected, and drawing enemy fire.

Sword & Shield + Greatsword (S Tier)

This combination merges defense with crowd control and damage, making it a highly effective choice in large-scale PvP. The SNS provides the necessary defense, while the Greatsword delivers heavy AOE damage and crowd control through stuns and knockdowns. The synergy between the two weapons makes this build both tanky and offensive, a perfect disruptor on the battlefield. While it lacks the healing capabilities of SNS + Wand, it more than makes up for it with its ability to engage and damage multiple enemies.

Sword & Shield + Dagger (A Tier)

SNS + Dagger shines as an Engage tank in PvP. This combination allows for quick initiations, thanks to the Dagger’s stealth and leap abilities. While it doesn’t provide the same level of survivability or healing as other builds, it excels at getting into enemy formations and setting up plays for your team. The combination is great for players who want to be more aggressive in their tanking role, disrupting enemy lines and creating openings for teammates.

Sword & Shield + Staff (B Tier)

This is a situational tank build, ideal for players who prefer to operate from the outskirts of battle. While SNS provides strong defense, the Staff’s ranged DPS feels somewhat disconnected from the tank’s role. This build can be useful for guild leaders or shot-callers who need to survive while positioning themselves outside of the fray, but it lacks the cohesion seen in other tanking combinations, limiting its effectiveness a bit in competitive PvP.

Sword & Shield + Bow (B Tier)

SNS + Bow brings some ranged utility and crowd control to the table but lacks the survivability and damage needed to make it truly competitive in PvP. While useful for setting up team plays with abilities like Tornado and Flash Wave, this build struggles to perform in high-pressure situations. It’s a situational build best suited for players who want to tank from a distance, but it’s not the most optimal choice for PvP.

Sword & Shield + Crossbow (F Tier)

This combination ranks the lowest among tank builds on the PvP Tier List. The Crossbow provides almost no consistent synergy with the SNS, failing to enhance the tank’s defensive capabilities. It offers neither the survivability nor the damage output needed to be effective, making it a combination to avoid in competitive PvP.

Healer PVP Tier List: Support Your Allies

Healers are the backbone of any PvP team, providing crucial healing and support while also controlling the flow of battle. In Throne and Liberty, the most successful healer builds not only keep their teammates alive but also offer valuable utility and crowd control to shift the tide of battle.

Wand + Bow (S Tier)

This is the strongest healer combination in the PvP meta. Wand + Bow excels at providing consistent healing while also offering shields and crowd control. With the Bow adding extra healing and utility, this combination shines in both large-scale PvP battles and smaller skirmishes. Recent updates to skill expressions have further enhanced the synergy between Wand and Bow, making it the top pick for healers focused on sustainability and team support in competitive PvP.

Wand + Staff (S Tier)

Another top-tier healer build, Wand + Staff offers a balance between healing and ranged DPS. The Staff’s utility skills, such as their Blink and their Pull, allow healers to support their allies while staying at a safe distance from the fight. This combination works best for players who want to focus on keeping their team alive from the backline while also executing clutch saves in high-pressure PvP encounters.

Wand + Dagger (B Tier)

Wand + Dagger is a unique PvP healer build that relies on stealth and evasion. The Dagger’s crit passives boost healing, but this build requires significant game knowledge to play effectively. While it can be powerful in the hands of a skilled player, its lower healing throughput and difficulty in mastering prevent it from reaching the highest tiers.

Wand + Crossbow (F Tier)

This combination lacks synergy, making it one of the weakest options for PvP healers. The Crossbow’s mid-range DPS focus does little to enhance the Wand’s healing abilities, leaving this combination underpowered in nearly every aspect of competitive play. Avoid this combination if you’re looking to be effective in PvP.

Greatsword + Wand (C Tier)

This build struggles with an identity crisis. The Greatsword’s melee DPS focus doesn’t complement the Wand’s healing abilities, and while the Greatsword can scale with HP, it’s still to be seen where GS + Wand can be most effective as a healer. Currently, this combination is not widely used and requires extensive game knowledge to play effectively – it might prove to have its uses in very specific PvP situations.

DPS PVP Tier List: Maximize Damage and Dominate

DPS builds in this PvP Tier List are all about maximizing damage output and controlling the battlefield. Whether you prefer to deal damage up close as a melee bruiser or from afar as a ranged attacker, these builds will help you dominate your opponents in PvP.

Melee DPS

Greatsword + Dagger (A Tier)

Greatsword + Dagger is an exceptional melee DPS combination in PvP, offering powerful burst damage and mobility. The Dagger’s crit passives enhance the Greatsword’s crowd control abilities, making it a perfect setup for assassination-style gameplay. While this build lacks the defensive capabilities of tank-based combinations in large scale, its versatility and offensive potential make it a top pick for players looking to deal significant damage and then retreat quickly.

Greatsword + Crossbow (B Tier)

This combination thrives in PvP scenarios that favor burst damage and AOE control. Greatsword + Crossbow operates as a “bomber” build, using the Greatsword’s crowd control abilities to stun enemies and the Crossbow’s mid-range DPS to finish them off. While it can be highly effective in the right hands, it requires precise positioning and timing to reach its full potential, making it a solid but situational choice.

Greatsword + Bow (C Tier)

Greatsword + Bow struggles in PvP due to the lack of synergy between the Greatsword’s melee focus and the Bow’s ranged DPS style. While the build offers some good crowd control potential, the conflicting playstyles limit its effectiveness, keeping it from being a competitive option in PvP. Players looking for strong melee DPS would benefit from choosing other off-hand combinations.

Greatsword + Staff (C Tier)

Like Greatsword + Bow, this combination faces challenges in terms of synergy. Greatsword + Staff mixes melee and ranged elements that don’t naturally work together, but it has some strong applications in 1v1 and small-scale PvP. Although there is some potential for crowd control, it’s outclassed by more focused melee or ranged DPS builds on this PvP Tier List.

Ranged DPS

Bow + Staff (S Tier)

Bow + Staff is the king of ranged DPS in PvP. This combination excels at providing sustained damage from a distance, with the Bow’s range and the Staff’s utility combining to create a highly effective setup. Whether focusing on AOE damage or single-target eliminations, this build shines in large-scale PvP battles, offering both offensive power and crowd control to dominate the field.

Staff + Dagger (A Tier)

This ranged DPS build blends magic with assassin-like mobility. The Staff provides strong ranged damage, while the Dagger offers stealth and quick escapes, making it ideal for hit-and-run tactics. While no longer the dominant force it once was, this combination remains a solid choice for players who want to combine magic with stealth in competitive PvP.

Staff + Crossbow (B Tier)

Staff + Crossbow can be effective, but it requires careful positioning and coordination to maximize its potential. The Staff’s ranged attacks benefit from the Crossbow’s buffs, but the synergy between the two is not as strong as other ranged DPS combinations. It’s a situational build that can work well for players who enjoy experimenting with unconventional setups, though it’s less reliable than other top-tier choices.

Bow + Dagger (A Tier)

Bow + Dagger is a highly mobile, ranged assassin build that excels in burst damage and stealth. The Bow provides powerful long-range attacks, while the Dagger’s crit passives enhance its damage output, making it ideal for quickly picking off enemies and escaping. Although it lacks the sustained DPS of Bow + Staff, Bow + Dagger is a great option for players who prefer an agile, hit-and-run playstyle in PvP.

Bow + Crossbow (C Tier)

Bow + Crossbow struggles to find synergy in PvP. The Bow focuses on long-range attacks, while the Crossbow is more suited to mid-range combat. This conflict in playstyles and the lack of escapes makes the combination less effective in competitive scenarios, and while it can work in specific situations, other ranged DPS builds are more reliable and efficient.

Crossbow + Dagger (B Tier)

Crossbow + Dagger is a fast-paced, mid-range DPS build that focuses on burst damage and mobility. While it works well in smaller skirmishes, it lacks the survivability needed for large-scale PvP. This combination is gear-dependent and is ideal for players who enjoy aggressive, glass-cannon playstyles, but it’s not as consistently strong as higher-tier ranged DPS options like Bow + Staff.

PVP Tier List Summary

This PvP Tier List article has split weapon combinations into their respective roles on the battlefield – Tanks, Healers and DPS. Below Image combines all of these “classes” into a single PvP Tier List to give you an overview of how each weapon combination stacks against each other in the current Meta.

If you want to see additional details and tips about the PvP Tier List and the class balance in Throne and Liberty or would prefer a video walkthrough, please check our Ultimate PvP Tier List video guide below.

Ultimate PVP Tier List video guide – Throne and Liberty

We hope you found this Throne and Liberty PvP Tier List useful. Now that you know how to craft your gear, learn How to Get and Slot Runes or How to Efficiently Trait your Gear!
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