What is the Purple Circle? – How to Parry in Throne and Liberty

Welcome to the exciting world of Throne and Liberty. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into one weapon in the game focusing on the defensive skill of the Greatsword and uncovering the mysteries behind the purple circle in Throne and Liberty.

opening image

Understanding Iron Point Parry

Iron Pont Parry is a defensive skill use by a Greatsword user which can defend against attacks, costing 35 stamina points. after defending this defense skill can be use as an offensive as it give damage to the enemy after successfully parrying a fury attack.

defensive skill

Countering the Fury Attack using Iron Point Parry

Achieving mastery in countering the Fury attack enables players to transform their defensive skills into a more offensive strategy, dealing significantly increased damage to opponents. For instance, consider the Iron Point Parry, which allows you to counter a Fury Attack.

Successfully parrying in this scenario triggers a transformation of the Iron Point Fury into Murderous Draw, delivering a substantial blow of 290% base damage plus an additional 50 to enemies within a 4-meter radius.

After executing the Iron Point Parry, the outcomes can be categorized into two possibilities: Success or Defense.

PerfectPerfect defense means the timing of using defense skills against a fury attack and giving a stun to the enemy, changing Iron Point Parry into Murderous Draw.
Defense(Gold color)Defense means that you pressed the skill in advance and did not stun the enemy but were still able to change Iron Point Parry into Murderous Draw.

Mastering this type of defensive skill requires a lot of practices for timing and precision. Fight various enemies to train your reaction time as there are type of enemies have different time in using fury attack.

As said in the beginning there are other types of defensive skills , not just greatswords. As other weapon have unique set of defensive skills like if you are using a Bow, Crossbow, Sword and Shield, Magical Staff, Dagger, or Wand.

The Purple Circle in Throne and Liberty

When fighting an enemy ,as the fight prolonged you will notice suddenly there will be a purple circle indicating as a time and after the purple light you will receive a huge amount of damage? this purple cue is called Fury attack where a monster using their strongest offensive move.

The purple cue helps the player to see when a mob will fury attack and gives time for the player to counter this using a defensive skill.

Purple Circle timing

How to Counter Fury attack

To evade a fury attack, you have various options. Firstly, you can employ kiting techniques to prevent incoming attacks; some fury attacks may be confined to a specific location. Secondly, utilizing active skills can help you dodge hits. Lastly, employing defensive skills allows you to counter the attack. All of these strategies can be employed during battle.

Matching Defense Skills to Weapons

Each weapon in Throne and Liberty boasts a unique defense skill. Utilize this knowledge to tailor your defensive strategy based on the weapon you wield.

skill in parry

Elevate your gameplay in Throne and Liberty by mastering the art of parrying and understanding the significance of the purple circle(Fury Attack). With Iron Point Parry and Murderous Draw at your disposal, you can confidently face any foe. Embrace the challenge, adapt your strategy, and conquer the battlefield.

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