Orchid Mantis KebabOrchid Mantis Kebab A delicious delicacy fit for a mantis. Not for human consumption. Effects …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:38:57
Broodmother BLTBroodmother BLT Bait no Broodmother can resist. Not for human consumption. Effects Unlocked by: Discovering …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:38:52
Shinobi SneezeShinobi Sneeze A pollen puff blast hides you from enemy sight for a short duration. …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:38:45
FlareFlare Disposable, throwable light. Effects Unlocked by: Analyzing Gunpowder Clump Materials Gunpowder Clumpx1 Fire Ant …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:38:40
Worker’s CompWorker’s Comp The power of an ant in the palm of your hand. Drinking this …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:38:33
Questionable SlopQuestionable Slop A hodgepodge of ingredients mashed in to a mostly drinkable goop. Recovers HP …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:38:27
Liquid RageLiquid Rage All sorts of dangerous things in drinkable form! Consuming this makes you feel …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:38:22
Liquid GillsLiquid Gills A scientific mystery that allows you to breathe underwater for a short time. …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:38:17
Human FoodHuman Food All of the ingredients are normal every day foods; what could go wrong …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:38:10
Hedge LordHedge Lord Refreshing and nutritious. Lowers the rates of both hunger and thirst. Effects Moist …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:38:05
Green MachineGreen Machine A delicious blend of locally sourced greens. Boosts your stamina recovery rate. Effects …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:37:59
Gastro GooGastro Goo Smells almost as bad as it looks, but goes down surprisingly smooth. Makes …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:37:54
Fuzz on the RocksFuzz on the Rocks As literal as they come. Drinking this disgusting combination somehow makes …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:37:49
Fluid FlippersFluid Flippers A drinkable sludge that is scientifically proven to make you swim faster. Effects …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:37:44
Boost JuiceBoost Juice Filled with vitamins and nutrients! Boosts your max stamina. Effects Max Stamina Unlocked …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:37:13
CanteenCanteen A pouch made from grub hide that can be used to carry two scoops …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:37:08
Canteen+Canteen+ An extra good canteen that holds four scoops of liquid. Effects Unlocked by: Purchasing …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:37:03
Charcoal CanteenCharcoal Canteen A high quality liquid container with the power to purify dirty water in …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:36:58
GnatchosGnatchos Hot and gooey gnat meat gristle atop crunchy chips. Satisfying enough to be considered …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:36:53
MiteloafMiteloaf A mysterious, chewy lump topped with a fuzzy glaze. Satisfying enough to be considered …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:36:48
LarvagnaLarvagna A deliciously baked collection of goopy and slimy bits. Hearty enough to be considered …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:36:42
SpaghetfleaSpaghetflea Acorn bits combined with lilypad wax form a perfectly unique rendition of this classic …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:36:37
Boatman Fin SoupBoatman Fin Soup A fine fin soup made from ethically sourced boatman fins. Hearty enough …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:36:32
OmelantOmelant Black ant eggs with a bit of salt create the perfect breakfast. Effects Thorns …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:36:27
FunguspachoFunguspacho A goopy blend of fungal growths. Packed so tight with nutrients it’s considered a …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:36:22
Mac N BeesMac N Bees A creamy meal that warms the soul. A deliciously melty blend of …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:36:16
Spider SliderSpider Slider A delicious burger made of various chunks of cooked spider. Hearty enough to …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:36:11
Tadpoloca PuddingTadpoloca Pudding Surprisingly creamy blend of water-based ingredients with a bit of a chill from …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:36:05
Termite DelightTermite Delight A mysterious meat pie baked with a variety of unknown additives to create …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:36:00
Black Ox BurgerBlack Ox Burger Perfectly seared black ox part with a lovely tough gunk aioli. Effects …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:35:55
QuesadillantlionQuesadillantlion Chunks and bits of antlion folded and baked into an edible semicircle. Effects Thorns …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:35:48
Fiber BandageFiber Bandage Patches up scrapes and scratches. Recovers health over time. Effects Trickle Regen Unlocked …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:35:43
HealbasaHealbasa A juicy mosquito blood sack wrapped so tightly in silk rope that it could …2023/03/31Consumables2023-03-31 16:35:27