Supreme WhetstoneSupreme Whetstone Supreme material used to upgrade weapons to near perfection.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:46:34
Supreme PlatingSupreme Plating Supreme material used to upgrade armors to near perfection.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:46:27
Sturdy WhetstoneSturdy Whetstone Sturdy material used to upgrade weapons even further2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:46:19
Sturdy PlatingSturdy Plating Sturdy material used to upgrade armors even further.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:46:12
Spicy JewelSpicy Jewel A fusion of spicy globs and twinkling shells. Further unlocks the special properties …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:46:05
Spicy GlobSpicy Glob A collection of spicy shards, baked and formed into a cubular glob. Perfect …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:45:57
Sour JewelSour Jewel A fusion of sour globs and twinkling shells. Further unlocks the special properties …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:45:50
Sour GlobSour Glob A collection of Wormhole shards, baked and formed into a cubular glob. Perfect …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:45:42
Silk RopeSilk Rope A spool of web fibers spun into a length of strong durable rope.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:45:35
Salty JewelSalty Jewel A fusion of salt globs and twinkling shells. Further unlocks the special properties …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:45:28
Salt GlobSalt Glob A melted collection of salt shards, shaped into a brickish form. Perfect for …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:45:21
Pupa LeatherPupa Leather Dried Pupa hide.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:45:13
Mushroom BrickMushroom Brick A sturdy brick crafted from smelting mushroom slurry.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:45:06
Mint JewelMint Jewel A fusion of mint globs and twinkling shells. Further unlocks the special properties …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:44:59
Mint GlobMint Glob A collection of Ice Caps shards, baked and formed into a cubular glob. …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:44:51
Might JewelMight Jewel A fusion of supreme whetstones and twinkling shells. Further unlocks the special properties …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:44:44
Mighty GlobMighty Glob A melted collection of sturdy whetstones, shaped into a brickish form. Perfect for …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:44:37
Lint RopeLint Rope A strong, sturdy rope put together of various types of lint.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:44:29
Brittle WhetstoneBrittle Whetstone Brittle material used to upgrade weapons.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:44:22
Brittle PlatingBrittle Plating Brittle material used to upgrade armors.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:44:14
Berry LeatherBerry Leather A strong textile made from dried berry skin2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:44:06
Spoilet Meat SlurrySpoilet Meat Slurry A thick paste of blended spoiled meat.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:43:59
Repair GlueRepair Glue This stuff sticks to anything! Can repair armor and weapons that have been …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:43:51
Plant SlurryPlant Slurry A thick paste of blended plant bits.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:43:43
Mushroom SlurryMushroom Slurry A thick paste of blended mushroom bits.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:43:36
Crude RopeCrude Rope A pliable textile made of interlaced plant fiber useful in crafting.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:43:28
Charcoal AshCharcoal Ash A fine dust made of charcoal. Can be baked into a strong building …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:43:21
Bug RubberBug Rubber A handcrafted sludge of sap and carefully milked acid gland that hardens into …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:43:14
Ash CementAsh Cement An incredibly strong building material.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:43:06
Weevil RoastWeevil Roast Roasted and delicious meat of a weevil. Slows & restores a large amount …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:42:59
Water Flea JerkyWater Flea Jerky Dried chunk of water flea. Will no longer spoil, but also devoid …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:42:52
Tadpole JerkyTadpole Jerky Tender strips of tadpole meat that have dried and turned into jerky. No …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:42:44
Soda DropSoda Drop Old and sticky, but still moderately restores your thirst.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:42:37
Juice DropJuice Drop Old and sticky, but still moderately restores your thirst.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:42:30
Grub RoastGrub Roast Roasted and delicious meat of a grub. Slows & restores a large amount …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:42:23
Grub JerkyGrub Jerky Sinewy strips of pale grub meat that has been dried into jerky. No …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:42:15
Gnat RoastGnat Roast Roasted and delicious meat of a gnat. Slows & restores a large amount …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:42:08
Gnat JerkyGnat Jerky A grungy morsel of gnat meat preserved in jerky form. No longer at …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:42:01
Dew DropDew Drop Pure bubble of water.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:40:58
Cooked Tadpole MeatCooked Tadpole Meat Cooked slab of tadpole meat bursting with savory juices. Quite a snack.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:40:51
Aphid RoastAphid Roast A juicy roasted aphid. Slows & restores a large amount of hunger.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:40:44
Aphid JerkyAphid Jerky Dried aphid meat that has been preserved as jerky. No longer at risk …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:40:37
Twinkling ShellTwinkling Shell A wondrously iridescent shell that can be combined with items to bring out …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:40:30
Termite King CarapieceTermite King Carapiece The hard outer shell of the Termite King.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:40:22
Super Spider VenomSuper Spider Venom Spider venom so potent that it could kill almost anything.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:40:15
Super Stink SackSuper Stink Sack An incredibly potent sack of stink harvested from a formidable foe.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:40:08
Mantis HeadMantis Head The curious but lovely noggin of a fallen mantis.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:40:01
Mantis ChunkMantis Chunk Lump, beautiful bits from a fallen mantis.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:39:37
Mantis ClawMantis Claw A massive, majestic claw from the fallen mantis.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:39:29
Broodmother VenomBroodmother Venom Shockingly potent venom from the demonic mother spider.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:39:22
Broodmother FangBroodmother Fang An extremely deadly fang of the demonic mother spider.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:39:14
Broodmother ChunkBroodmother Chunk An unidentifiable piece of the demonic mother spider.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:39:07
Black Widow FangBlack Widow Fang An impossibly sharp fang of a legendary black widow spider.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:38:58
Tick FangTick Fang The deadly sharp fang of a tick.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:38:51
Termite ChompersTermite Chompers Durable, wood-chomping mandible from a dead termite.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:38:43
Stinkbug Gas SackStinkbug Gas Sack The mysterious body part that creates all of the dangerous and foul …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:38:36
Spider VenomSpider Venom Venom taken straight from a spider’s gland… thing. Extremely toxic.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:38:29
Spider FangSpider Fang A delicate but razor-sharp fang of a wolf spider. Handling it sends a …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:38:21
Roly Poly ShellRoly Poly Shell An impenetrable shell of a roly poly.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:38:14
Red Ant MandiblesRed Ant Mandibles The powerful pincers of a red soldier ant.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:38:07
Red Ant HeadRed Ant Head The entire head of a red ant. Surprisingly intact.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:37:59
Red Ant EggRed Ant Egg A ripe red ant egg that can hatch if left to sit. …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:37:52
Moth ScaleMoth Scale The razor sharp scale of a moth.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:37:45
Moth FuzzMoth Fuzz Heavily insulating fuzz of a moth.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:37:38
Ladybug HeadLadybug Head Fully intact, tough and glistening head of a ladybug.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:37:31
Green Shield Bug PartsGreen Shield Bug Parts An unidentifiable piece of a Green Shield Bug.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:37:23
Black Ox HornBlack Ox Horn The deadly and durable horn of a Black Ox Beetle.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:37:16
Black Ant EggBlack Ant Egg A ripe black ant egg that can hatch if left to sit. …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:37:08
Boiling GlandBoiling Gland The part of the bombardier beetle that can instantly boil liquids. Doesn’t actually …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:37:01
Bee StringerBee Stringer A long and sharp stabby bit from a bee.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:36:54
Antlion PincerAntlion Pincer Sharp and deadly appendage of an antlion.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:36:47
Weevil NoseWeevil Nose A fully intact weevil snooter-mouth.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:36:40
Web FiberWeb Fiber Strong strands of sticky, springy spider silk.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:36:33
Water Flea MeatWater Flea Meat A large chunk of a water flea. Seems edible, but could probably …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:36:25
Water Boatman FinWater Boatman Fin A fin harvested from the wing cover of a water boatman. Broad, …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:36:18
Tough GunkTough Gunk A strong elastic goop that oozes exclusively from the tough creatures of the …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:36:10
Termite PartTermite Part An oozing, strong lump of a fallen termite.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:36:03
Tiger Mosquito BeakTiger Mosquito Beak The deadliest of beaks. Can be crafted in to the sharpest of …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:35:56
Stinkbug PartStinkbug Part An unidentifiable piece of a stinkbug. Can be used in various crafting recipes.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:35:48
Spider ChunkSpider Chunk A durable but ambiguous hunk of spider.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:35:41
Roly Poly PartRoly Poly Part An unidentifiable piece of a roly poly.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:35:34
Red Ant PartRed Ant Part Sturdy chunks of red ant that seem useful in a variety of …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:35:27
Raw Weavil MeatRaw Weavil Meat Raw meat from a mushroom hunting weevil. The deep color and wafts …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:35:19
Raw Tadpole MeatRaw Tadpole Meat Juicy chunk from a tadpole that will make you sick if eaten …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:35:12
Raw Grub MeatRaw Grub Meat Raw goopy meat from a grub worm. Don’t eat it without some …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:34:18
Raw Gnat MeatRaw Gnat Meat Greasy meat from a gnat. Eating this raw isn’t a good idea, …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:34:11
Raw Aphid MeatRaw Aphid Meat A whole raw aphid. A bad idea to eat uncooked, but the …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:34:04
Mosquito Blood SackMosquito Blood Sack A mosquito’s blood filled rump.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:33:56
Mosquito BeakMosquito Beak The thin, sharp beak of a mosquito. Seems like it could penetrate almost …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:33:49
Mite FuzzMite Fuzz Vibrant red hairs taken from a mite.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:33:42
Larva SpikeLarva Spike A sharp, dangly appendage taken from the corpse of a disgusting larva.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:33:34
Ladybird ShellLadybird Shell The nearly impenetrable shell of an aggressive ladybird.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:33:27
Ladybug PartLadybug Part Iconic red and black piece of a ladybug. Beautiful and tough.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:33:20
Iridescent ScaleIridescent Scale A beautiful scale taken from a firefly that makes a strong, pliable resource …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:33:12
Grub SludgeGrub Sludge Mysterious goo excreted from grubs.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:33:04
Grub HideGrub Hide Plush, warm skin harvested from a common grub.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:32:57
Gnat FuzzGnat Fuzz Dull grey hairs taken from a gnat.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:32:49
Glow GooGlow Goo The mysterious juices that allow fireflies to glow.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:32:42
Fungal GrowthFungal Growth Incredibly unstable chunk of fungus.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:32:34
Fire Ant PartFire Ant Part Thick chunks of fire ant that seem very strong.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:32:27
Fire Ant MandiblesFire Ant Mandibles The seemingly indestructible pincers of a fire soldier ant.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:32:20
Fire Ant HeadFire Ant Head The entire head of a fire ant.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:32:13
Dust Mite FuzzDust Mite Fuzz Crusty fuzz from fiber-dwelling dust mites.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:32:05
Dibing Bell Spider ChunkDibing Bell Spider Chunk An ambiguous chunk of an aquatic spider.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:31:58
Bombardier PartBombardier Part Strong bombardier beetle bits suitable for a variety of powerful crafts.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:31:51
Black Ox PartBlack Ox Part Sturdy Black Ox Beetle bits that can be used for all sorts …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:31:43
Black Ant PartBlack Ant Part Thick chunks of black ant that seem very strong.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:31:36
Black Ant MandiblesBlack Ant Mandibles The seemingly indestructible pincers of a black soldier ant.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:31:29
Blank Ant HeadBlank Ant Head The entire head of a black ant. Surprisingly intact.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:31:21
Bee FuzzBee Fuzz High quality fuzz in iconic black and yellow colors.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:31:14
Aphid HoneydewAphid Honeydew A sweet secretion from aphids that restores a small amount of thirst.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:31:05
Antlion PartAntlion Part Unidentifiable part of an antlion.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:30:58
Acid GlandAcid Gland A gooey gland for use in crafting.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:30:51
Spicy ShardSpicy Shard A fiery splinter from a Hot Chachas candy.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:30:43
Sour LumpSour Lump A mouth-puckering lump from a Wormhole sour candy.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:30:36
Koi Fish ScaleKoi Fish Scale A shiny scale from the koi fish. Sturdy and reliable, this scale …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:30:29
Gum NuggetGum Nugget A petrified wad stronger than most metals. Can be used in spectacular crafts …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:30:21
Gunpowder ClumpGunpowder Clump Stable but deadly pile of gunpowder.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:30:14
EverChar Coal ChunkEverChar Coal Chunk A hunk of EverChar brand everburning charcoal. Stays piping hot and is …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:30:07
Crow FeatherCrow Feather A wisp of a crow’s jet black feather. A dark omen from the …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:29:59
Wooden SplinterWooden Splinter A very sharp splinter harvested from a chunk of wood.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:29:52
ToenailToenail A somewhat grotesque, yet admittedly strong and sharp shard of a toenail clipping.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:29:44
Supreme Quartzite ShardSupreme Quartzite Shard A rad looking nugget that seems useful for one thing: upgrading weapons. …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:29:37
Supreme Marble ShardSupreme Marble Shard A rad looking nugget that seems useful for one thing: upgrading armor. …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:29:30
Sunken BoneSunken Bone A splinter of bone harvested from the remains of a creature that died …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:29:22
Sturdy Quartzite ShardSturdy Quartzite Shard A cool looking nugget that seems useful for one thing: upgrading weapons. …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:29:14
Sturdy Marble ShardSturdy Marble Shard A cool looking nugget that seems useful for one thing: upgrading armor. …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:29:07
Spiky BurSpiky Bur The iconic spike ball that lives atop many prickly weeds.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:28:59
RustRust A fleck of oxidized metal found mostly on metal that’s exposed to the elements. …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:28:52
Pinecone PiecePinecone Piece Structurally sound piece of a pinecone.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:28:44
Mint ShardMint Shard A piece of breath freshening mint. Much more filling at this size.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:28:36
LintLint An assortment of lint in various states. Very useful if woven together.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:28:28
Brittle Quartzite ShardBrittle Quartzite Shard A nugget that seems useful for one thing: upgrading weapons.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:25:53
Brittle Marble ShardBrittle Marble Shard A nugget that seems useful for one thing: upgrading armor.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:25:45
Weed StemWeed Stem A large, sturdy building resourced from felled dandelions and other stubborn growths.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:25:36
Toadstool ChunkToadstool Chunk A big piece from a large mushroom. Too strange to eat but just …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:25:28
Thistle NeedleThistle Needle A pointy barb from a thistle plant.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:25:20
SprigSprig A light, supple sprout for crafting and construction.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:25:12
Spoiled MeatSpoiled Meat Meat that has rotted. Probably shouldn’t eat it, but maybe it has some …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:25:04
Slime Mold StalkSlime Mold Stalk A glowing mold found underground. Can probably be used as a light …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:24:56
SapSap A combustible, sticky goo that oozes from roots and fallen branches.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:24:48
Salt ShardSalt Shard A clean piece of salt that’s surprisingly sharp. Shouldn’t be eaten by itself, …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:24:41
Rotten FoodRotten Food A once delicious food rotten beyond recognition. No longer edible, but probably has …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:24:32
Pupa HidePupa Hide Sleek and moveable hide from a Pupa. A little too moist to utilize.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:24:24
Pond MossPond Moss Strangely delicious moss found at the bottom of a pond.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:24:16
PollenPollen Flower discharge that bees go nuts over.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:24:08
Plant FiberPlant Fiber Bundle of plant fibers. A flexible resource for weaving and binding.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:24:00
PebbletPebblet A nugget of hard-packed pebble dust. Not very good as a handheld tool, but …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:23:52
NectarNectar Sweet and edible crafting resource. Restores a small amount of hunger.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:23:44
Mushroom ChunkMushroom Chunk A big piece from a large mushroom. Too strange to eat but just …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:23:35
MushroomMushroom Edible fungus that restores a small amount of hunger.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:23:27
Muscle SproutMuscle Sprout An edible hybrid brussels sprout. Chewy muscle flaps, ripe and flexed. Restores hunger …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:23:19
Lilypad WaxLilypad Wax A nodule of wax collected from a flowering lilypad. Can be used as …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:23:11
Grass SeedsGrass Seeds Basic seeds used to grow grass.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:23:03
Grass PlankGrass Plank Broad, flexible plank perfect for fortifications. Acquired by chopping down grass with an …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:22:55
Granola BarGranola Bar acked with nuts, raisins, and honey. A sweet and savory reminder of how …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:22:47
Fresh Donut ChunksFresh Donut Chunks A piece of a sugar filled donut. Looks brand new, but it …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:22:39
Fresh Cookie Sandwich BitesFresh Cookie Sandwich Bites Chunks of a cookie sandwich. Most people think the filling is …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:22:30
Fresh Billy Hog BitesFresh Billy Hog Bites A moist n’ meaty Get N’ Jet Billy Hog morsel. Quick …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:22:22
Fresh Apple BitsFresh Apple Bits Tiny bits of Marmotcrisp apple. A satisfying snack that restores a fair …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:22:14
Flower PetalFlower Petal A soft petal from one of the yard’s flowers. Smells like grandma.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:22:06
Eelgrass StrandEelgrass Strand A long strip of hydrophobic eelgrass useful for binding things used in water.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:21:58
Dry Grass ChunkDry Grass Chunk Dried, brittle fiber harvested from dry grass.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:21:50
Donut ChunkDonut Chunk A piece of a sugar filled donut. Looks brand new, but it could …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:21:42
Cookie Sandwich BitsCookie Sandwich Bits Chunks of a cookie sandwich. Most people think the filling is the …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:21:34
Clover leafClover leaf Single leaf from the top of a clover.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:21:26
ClayClay Soft, wet dirt clumps that hold form.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:21:18
Candy CornletCandy Cornlet An autumn hued hunk of one of the world’s worst candies that someone …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:21:10
Billy Hog BiteBilly Hog Bite A moist n’ meaty Get N’ Jet Billy Hog morsel. Quick Billy’s …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:21:01
Berry ChunkBerry Chunk A plump slice of purple hedge berry. Its skin is both strong and …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:20:53
Apple BitsApple Bits Tiny bits of Marmotcrisp apple. A satisfying snack that restores a fair amount …2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:20:42
AlgaeAlgae A squishy strip of an edible aquatic plant. Restores a small amount of hunger.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:20:32
Acorn TopAcorn Top A hollow acorn cap used in construction.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:20:21
Acorn ShellAcorn Shell A hard, hollow shell useful for construction.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:20:10
Acorn BitsAcorn Bits Edible morsels of an acorn for use in snacks.2023/03/23Materials / Resources2023-03-23 22:18:04