Shocking DismissalShocking Dismissal Fits of anger become fierce retaliation. Blocked attacks convert their energy to static …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 20:01:48
Corporate KickbackCorporate Kickback Retaliate against the weak. Converting blocked attacks to energy give attacks massive lifesteal. …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 20:01:41
Apex PredatorApex Predator You’ve become the strongest creature in the backyard, and are able to bring …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 20:01:35
Mansterious StrangerMansterious Stranger You feel as though an unlikely ally is always looking out for you. …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 20:01:29
Trapper PEEP.RTrapper PEEP.R Skills as a keen gatherer meld with your hunting prowess. Deep knowledge of …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 20:01:22
Guard DogGuard Dog Guarding locations against mobs of angry creatures has awakened you protective instincts. Deal …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 20:01:15
Truffle TussleTruffle Tussle The fungus of the haze has seeped into your tiny being fusing its …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 20:01:09
MithridatismMithridatism Your body has been ravaged by the thrilling surge of poison coursing through so …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 20:01:01
Mom GenesMom Genes Your vocal cords stretch to form spiderling summoning motherly cries. Effects Attacks have …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 20:00:55
Spicy SafetySpicy Safety Spicy sediment seeps inside your bloodstream. The fiery wall protects you from all …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 20:00:48
Fresh DefenseFresh Defense A plume of mint dust envelopes you and sends a cool wave rippling …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 20:00:40
Reliable FriendReliable Friend Life in the lawn is filled with narrow escapes and you’ve been right …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 20:00:33
Cardio FanCardio Fan Exhausting your tiny body over and over again, your cells adopt a more …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 20:00:26
MerteenMerteen The push and pull of thick, rich pond water coaxes your gummy little body …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 20:00:20
Natural ExplorerNatural Explorer With each Landmark found you gain a better understanding of the lay of …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 20:00:13
JuicyJuicy Like a true bookworm, you can’t resist a wall of text. An encyclopedic knowledge …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 20:00:07
Coup de GrassCoup de Grass Discovering a beacon of hope in the darkness lifts your will to …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 20:00:00
Ant-nihilatorAnt-nihilator The ant has become a familiar threat, and you begin to know your enemy …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 19:59:53
Rock CrackerRock Cracker A path of destruction is left in your wake and it’s clear that …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 19:59:47
Grass MasterGrass Master Like an insatiable lumberjack you’re becoming a living lawn mower. Your intimate knowledge …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 19:59:40
Parry MasterParry Master Your impeccable timing gives you an extreme advantage when blocking attacks. Effects Gives …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 19:59:33
Whittle WizardWhittle Wizard Mastering sufficiently advanced culinary technology, the apparent magic within candy staves is unlocked. …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 19:59:27
BlademasterBlademaster Honing the art of the blade, your keen mind knows exactly where to slices …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 19:59:20
BarbarianBarbarian Strong and reckless, you pride yourself in using the biggest weapons possible. Your muscular …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 19:59:13
Sharp ShooterSharp Shooter A film crawls across the surface of your eyes, allowing you to focus …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 19:59:06
AssassinAssassin Small blades blur in your hands as you swing with absolute precision. Daggers are …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 19:59:00
JavelineerJavelineer Range is your greatest ally as you reach or throw from afar. Spears deal …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 19:58:53
SmasherSmasher Heavy strokes of power flood your little limbs to bring hammers down with unmatched …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 19:58:46
ChopperChopper Fury and bloodlust pump through your arteries, fueling an efficient flow to hacking and …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 19:58:39
Lil FistLil Fist Your tiny limbs flail and crash upon foe after foe. With every little …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 19:58:32
DaredevilDaredevil Powered by a perpetual flow of adrenaline as you skitter and leap through the …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 19:58:26
Buff LungsBuff Lungs Your size to meat ratio is off the charts and you take hits …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 19:58:19
Meat ShieldMeat Shield Your size to meat ratio is off the charts and you take hits …2023/03/31Mutations2023-03-31 19:58:12