Entomologist Badge Location featured picture

Entomologist Badge Location

There are many weird and wonderful Trinkets to find in the Backyard of Grounded. Once you reach into the later stages of the game, one such trinket becomes accessible! So with that in mind lets find the Entomologist Badge Location!

Firstly, as seen above you will have to head towards the BBQ Spill north of the Haze Lab area. Up towards the upper yard. As a result of the location, be aware that you will have to face the sizzling de-buff. Also be aware of the vast amount of strong & scary creatures up towards this end of the map, be geared and ready!

Once you have pushed through this dangerous area at the BBQ spill and reached the location on the map above, you will have come across yet another morbid corpse of an Ominent scientist crushed beneath a rock โ€“ ouch. Interact with the corpse to find the Entomologist Badge Location!

Entomologist Badge Location inventory

Finally, the Entomologist Badge is yours for the taking! With this trinket equipped your overall attack power will increase, the tradeoff being you can no longer perfect block. With that in mind you will have to consider whether or not this will assist you or hinder your playstyle in Grounded!


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