Shortly after discovering what weakened one of the lasers you will have witnessed the malfunction of a laser that consequently caused an explosion in the Backyard. We must now follow the trail and start Investigating the Oak Tree explosion and find BURG.L!
As always when starting on your adventures in the Backyard in Grounded, we recommend bringing your thirst and hunger meters to the max before setting out. Finally, now that we are ready, set out towards the Oak Tree! Generally speaking, it should be fairly easy to find your way to the Oak Tree to start Investigating the Oak Tree explosion. If you become lost – look to the sky and you will quickly find your path once more.
The Journey to Begin Investigating The Oak Tree Explosion
Once you reach the Oak Tree you will quickly find some new resources. In this case, it’s Acorn! While investigating the Oak Tree explosion make sure you have a Pebblet Hammer at the ready. Get smashing and farm as much Acorn as possible while you are here. Harvesting Acorn will be very useful later as you will want to craft Acorn Armour before you venture out to tackle The Hedge Lab.
There is a shortcut directly under the stump of the Oak Tree to reach the entrance to the Lab, however, it is usually inhabited by at least two Wolf Spiders. As a result, we recommend avoiding this shortcut for now and using the sides of the tree roots instead.
Afterwards, proceed to go to the back of the Oak Tree, towards the Pond – there you will find the entrance hidden behind a fallen Oak Tree leaf. The purple smoke and glowing areas nearby can assist you in finding the entrance. This entrance and what lies beyond is the main reasons for investigating the Oak Tree explosion!
Explore the Lab
Surprisingly, once inside the Oak Tree, you will come across a Lab within! Not the usual set-up you would expect inside a tree! Soon after entering the lab you will have found a big button.
Once the button has been pressed you will have gained access to the main section of the Lab. Proceed further into the Lab, you will be met by a friendly Robot that isn’t having the best of times. Help it up and start the dialogue with it!
Help BURG.L stand
As a result of conversing with BURG.L, you will learn more about your current situation. Another issue that arises is that BURG.L’s memory has become corrupt. Consequentially, you will be tasked with retrieving “Super BURG.L Chips” to recover data lost to fix the SPAC.R and return to normal size.
Once you have finished talking with BURG.L, make sure you move across to the Biometric Scanner next to the ASL Terminal. As a result of using the Scanner you will now unlock the ASL Terminal for usage. With the Terminal you will be able to upgrade, gain recipes, quests and more.
The ASL Terminal gives you access to three major components. The Science Shop, BURG.L Quests and a 3rd section that isn’t immediately available. To unlock the 3rd section, you must find and bring a Milk Molar to the ASL Terminal! The Science Shop lets you buy multiple upgrades such as base-building additions. BURG.L Quests gives you missions to carry out and receive rewards from. Finally, the Milk Molar section gives you progression upgrades to your character. For example, increased Maximum Health and Stamina!
Once you have finished with the ASL Terminal, that will be about it! You will now have finished with the Oak Tree and ready to venture on in Grounded to recover all of the Super BURG.L Chips! I bet a Science Lab was the last thing you expected to find from investigating the Oak Tree explosion!

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