Rascal Rogue mutation is needed in Grounded. You may ask yourself why. Well, the reason is, since Patch 1.2 they have made items such as the Speed Droplet Trinket hard to get. It requires you to hit an enemy and hope it drops. The drop rate is very low due to the Rascal Rogue Mutation and the new Sticky Fingers Trinket. They have made it a lot easier to obtain these items.
Rascal Rogue Mutation
To get the Rascal Rogue mutation, you will need to collect 7 statues/figurines. These are located all around the garden in the labs.
- Phase 1: Find 1 Statue Figurines
- Phase 2: Find 4 Statue Figurines
- Phase 3: Find 7 Statue Figurines
Aphid Statue/Figurine
The Aphid Figurine is located in the Hedge Lab. We have provided a photo of the location on the map and also provided a photo of where it is located. But you will notice it is located in a junction hallway, on a table in the middle of it.

Weevil Statue/Figurine
The Weevil Figurine is located in the Haze Lab. You can see a photo below of the location of this on the map and, of course, a photo of the area where the figurine is located. It is in a room that is full of exploding fungus, so be careful and take your time.

Koi Statue/Figurine
Koi Figurine is located in the Pond Lab. It is tucked away in the flooded dark room that you have to swim through. This pathway leads to the console which opens up the remaining parts of the lab. It may take a few attempts to find it as it is hidden, but it is in the final water room. We would recommend bringing a knife and a Mold Torch, to fight off any enemies as you can take your time looking for this.

Mant Statue/Figurine
The Mant Figurine is located in the JavaMatic Storage Facility. Once you enter, you can take a left and open the door. Open it and you will see it on the wall on your left side.

Wendell Statue/Figurine
This figurine is located in the Undershed Lab in the exit hallway that leads to the Woodpile part of the garden. It is on a shelf in the small room in the hallway. The statue feels like its the same color as the walls, so it can feel like it is camouflaged and hard to find.

Yoked Girth Statue/Figurine
This is located in the Black Ant Lab. It requires you to complete all the MIXRs in order to open the special room. You will see this after you kill the Assistant Manager boss. If you wish to track how many MIXRs you have done, you can check the panel on the wall before the door.

Moldorc Statue/Figurine
The final Figurine to get is the Moldorc Figurine. This is located in the Mysterious Lab, which is located under the Castle Moldorc Playset. When you first enter the room where all the computer equipment is, on the right-hand side. You will see some circular computer systems. It is located on one of these, tucked away in the back.

Now you will have got to phase 3 of the Rascal Rogue Mutation, which will give you a higher chance to steal items when attacking enemies in the garden. This also works incredibly well with the Sticky Fingers Trinket.
We hope you liked our โWhere to Rascal Rogue Mutation in Groundedโ guide. Please also check out our latest Grounded โ Interactive Map.