Throne And Liberty Producer’s Note

In a surprise Throne and Liberty Producer’s Note earlier today we got a look into the still developing situation surrounding the more P2W side of Throne And Liberty. The removal of the Express Request System and the Lucky Collector System are both a great step forward in securing Throne And Liberties place as a non P2W title.

Producer's Note

Producer’s Note

Hello, this is THRONE AND LIBERTY producer Ahn Jong-ok.​ It’s been a while since I sent you a letter, but I thought it would be good to tell you about something that has recently become an issue in the community, so I’m leaving you a short message.

​Over the past weekend, we have confirmed that voices of concern are growing based on some of the systems used during CBT.

To conclude, we are preparing so that you do not have to worry about such things.​TL has made various improvements based on the last CBT. All recent issues are also included in the improvements.​

  • The express request system has been removed.
  • The Lucky Collector system has been removed.

​Our TL development team is always listening to the voices of our users.

We will do our best to ensure that you can enjoy accessing TL on the day of its official launch.​​

Posted by Ahn Jong-ok. (Throne And Liberty Producer)

Producer's Note

The Express Request System – Producer’s Note

In addition to the basic daily quests, there is something called a special request. Refreshing a special request uses Solant (ingame gold) and Lucent (Paid currency) is consumed upon accepting it. It costs 35 Lucent to accept it once. Acceptable 20 times a day, a maximum of 700 lucents per day, 21,000 lucent per month. In other words, players wanting to finish all these quests to obtain their rewards would have to shell out close to 450 dollars a month.

These quests would give players ingame currency, XP and rewards other non paying players would not have access to and there for breaking Throne And Liberties promise to never add balance breaking paid items. So we are glad to see them keeping to their word and removing this feature.
Source: DCinside

The Lucky Collector System- Producer’s Note

After purchasing the Premium pass players could now proc a special perk called “The Lucky Collector” meaning some of the gear they picked up would not be trade locked as opposed to all the gear being playerbound. Naturally this could also be considered P2W and therefor received a fair bit of criticism ahead of the Korean Launch on December 7th. Luckily this feature will also be removed, good riddance!

For more Throne and Liberty news, guide and information like this Producer’s Note, visit us at our homepage and you’re welcome to come and join our friendly community on Discord. Original source article can be found here.


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