Throne And Liberty Alpha Tester Leak

In yet another leak springing from the Amazon Throne And Liberty Alpha test an unnamed tester has answered a few questions regarding the games current state and some of the most frequently asked questions, Today we cover the Throne And Liberty Alpha Tester Leak.

Today we cover the Throne And Liberty Alpha Tester Leak.

Throne And Liberty Alpha Tester Leak

In yet another leak amongst this weeks almost daily saga of leaks we finally get our first “tester review”. Although this should all be taken with a healthy dose of skepticism we are hopeful that some or most of this information pans out to be legit. Today we cover the Throne And Liberty Alpha Tester Leak.

Today we cover the Throne And Liberty Alpha Tester Leak.

Questions And Answers

Melee and the combat system

  • Q: On the Korean forums testers mentioned feeling melee classes where underpowered due to the combat system, Did you notice anything like this?
  • A: The tester mentioned playing as a ranged mage, also mentioning how it felt great. So far he hasn’t touched melee so he could not answer the question


  • Q: How well do you think the game is optimized and how accurate are the System Requirements
  • A: Optimization is great! you can easily play with the minimum required specifications. The tester hasn’t yet played within large groups of players though

NFT’s and the blockchain

  • Q: Is there any NFT or Blockchain features within Throne and Liberty
  • A: No, at least currently there is nothing even close to it in game


  • Q: Are there currently any ingame Arena’s
  • A: Not in this alpha build

Language support

  • Q: Which languages are already in the game?
  • A: On this build only English , but you can obviously expect more on launch including Korean

How many members can your guild have

  • Q: How many members does a guild have starting out and can you increase this limit?
  • A: Guilds are limited to 50 slots off the get go and can be increased through guild progression systems

PvP penalties

  • Q: is there a penalty for killing players?
  • A: There is no chance to kill players within this alpha test yet, so its hard to tell for now

Death penalty

  • Q: Is there a penalty for death?
  • A: on death players can expect to lose 5% of their XP, much like lineage 2

Auto attack

  • Q: Is there actually a form of auto attack in the game?
  • A: There is several forms of auto play including Auto-attack, Auto-potion and Auto-hunt, all of these are only available in small radiuses and aren’t nearly as effective as playing yourself.

Safe and PvP zones

  • Q: Are there any safe or pvp zones?
  • A: There is full save zones, as for PvP zones they are not yet confirmed or in this build


  • Q: Are the story quests any good?
  • A: So far the story has actually been pretty interesting and it includes great features such as live action cut scenes.

Cash Store

  • Q: Is there any form of p2w
  • A: There is no cash store in this alpha yet so it is hard to tell for now
Today we cover the Throne And Liberty Alpha Tester Leak.


As with the other leaks this week we have no way of confirming this information, take it with a grain of salt and never base any assumptions on it. This information was shared within an unofficial discord and subsequently shared around by some prominent Throne and Liberty Discord members. Finding the original source will be near impossible so verifying the authenticity of this Throne And Liberty Alpha Tester Leak is a lost cause.

Today we cover the Throne And Liberty Alpha Tester Leak.

If you enjoyed looking over the latest Throne And Liberty Alpha Tester leak make sure to check out our posts on the leaked System Requirements and the leaked Amazon Alpha.


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